- Upgrade libraries, Confluence 7.20 / 8.x and Java 11PLAYSQL-302Adrien Ragot
- Compatibility with Confluence 7.15PLAYSQL-301Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-301Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Forms failed to enablePLAYSQL-300
- PSEA 1.5.5 not compatible with Confluence 7.8.0PLAYSQL-299Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-299Adrien Ragot
- Announce/enforce the end-of-life of Play SQL Spreadsheets in the UI (cancelled)PLAYSQL-298Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-298
- PlaySQL Datepicker doesn't work in SpreadsheetsPLAYSQL-296Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-296
- Dynamic Parameter fails when Output=POOR or Output=PRINTPLAYSQL-295Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-295
- Forms: Can't use # for an ID > 50PLAYSQL-294Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-294
- Is it possible to search in Play SQL query macroPLAYSQL-293Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-293
- Dynamic parameterPLAYSQL-292Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-292
- Avoid failure when a column can't be deletedPLAYSQL-291Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-291Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Forms cannot be activatedPLAYSQL-290Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-290Adrien Ragot
- Jira Link not workingPLAYSQL-289Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-289Adrien Ragot
- Issue on confluence with enabling spreadsheets and forms after upgradesPLAYSQL-288Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-288Adrien Ragot (Old account)
- Impossible to filter and export on foreign key columnsPLAYSQL-286Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-286Adrien Ragot (Old account)
- Unable to save settingsPLAYSQL-284Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-284Adrien Ragot
- AJS CompatibilityPLAYSQL-283Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-283Adrien Ragot
- Fix javascript error when opening the list of formulasPLAYSQL-282Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-282Adrien Ragot
- Formulas chashes the page when use formulas on Confluence 6.15.7PLAYSQL-281Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-281Adrien Ragot
- Add notifications or alertsPLAYSQL-280Adrien Ragot
- Spreadsheet compatibility with Confluence 7.0PLAYSQL-279Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-279Adrien Ragot
- Data in spreadsheet not getting saved/displayedPLAYSQL-278Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-278Adrien Ragot
- Unable to add a new columnPLAYSQL-277Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-277Adrien Ragot
- Add an option to show full spreadsheet by default (will be 200 records by default)PLAYSQL-276Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-276Adrien Ragot
- Not able to update and save playsql spreadsheetPLAYSQL-274Adrien Ragot
- Not able to link Requirements to JiraPLAYSQL-273Adrien Ragot
- Cannot Export All - Error for deleted tablePLAYSQL-272Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-272Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Export Format - Can the format be fixedPLAYSQL-271Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-271Adrien Ragot
- XSS vector on PCloud and ServerPLAYSQL-270Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-270Adrien Ragot
- Export Table / View Describes (Like SQL Describe)PLAYSQL-269Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Bug - Gives Null Pointer Exception on an ExportPLAYSQL-268Adrien Ragot
- Security: arbitrary users able to edit table queriesPLAYSQL-267Adrien Ragot
- Add-on comaptibilty with Confluence data center latest version 6.15.1PLAYSQL-266Adrien Ragot
- Remove feedback jobPLAYSQL-265Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-265Adrien Ragot
- Question how to enable names in x axis for all bars.PLAYSQL-263Adrien Ragot
- Can I set the session state before running the actual query?PLAYSQL-262Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Apps - Data Centre CompatibilityPLAYSQL-261Adrien Ragot
- Why viewing Chart requires logging in?PLAYSQL-260Adrien Ragot
- $errorText when spawning query editorPLAYSQL-259Adrien Ragot
- Incorrect JIRA Relations in Traceability MatrixPLAYSQL-258Adrien Ragot
- Error when pasting Excel tablesPLAYSQL-257Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-257Adrien Ragot
- Could not display PlaySQL: errorPLAYSQL-256Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-256Adrien Ragot
- Display a descriptive error message when there is an SQL syntax errorPLAYSQL-255Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-255Adrien Ragot
- Bug at installationPLAYSQL-254Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-254Adrien Ragot
- Get rid of the "See also" pages list in the "hover-on" requirement cardPLAYSQL-253Adrien Ragot
- Image rendererPLAYSQL-252Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-252Adrien Ragot
- When I paste a table, it should become a macro, not a confluence tablePLAYSQL-251Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-251Adrien Ragot
- Date/time, default values and accessPLAYSQL-249Adrien Ragot
- Ensure the administrator sets up the database as read-writePLAYSQL-247Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-247Adrien Ragot
- Can't set a date to NULLPLAYSQL-246Adrien Ragot
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