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Then you can edit the properties:


The query and the first two 3 parameters are are self-explanatory. The "Columns" field has a specific syntax:

Configuration for "Columns"Result
key, description2 columns.
key, description+properties+links2 columns. The second one contains the description, the properties and the links.
key, @Prop1The value of the property "Prop1" for the requirement
key, jiraThe list of JIRA issues attached to the key.
key, jira@resolvesThe list of JIRA issues, filtered for the relationship named "resolves".

key, description+properties, links+jira

3 columns, the default layout, similar to the search screen.
keyThe key of the requirement
descriptionThe main description of the requirement
propertiesThe properties of the requirement
jiraThe JIRA issues linked to the requirement
statusThe status of the requirement
linksThe pages linked to the requirement