Important changes:
This release contains a necessary change in order to increase performance for clustered environments and for Data Center Certification.
We changed the way the link links between a Jira issue issues and a RY requirement requirements (in Confluence) is are stored.
We are no longer working with remote issue links mainly for performance issues and instead we created our own table in the database to persist them (It's so much faster now).
That's why you we used to store issue links in RIL (RemoteIssueLinks), in order to increase the plugin's performance, we are now storing issue links in ActiveObjects.
You will see a new panel appear in the issue view mode . #Put a picture and the old issueLink pannel will disappear once the upgrade is done.containing the relationship of the link and its related requirements.
Since we change changed how the issue's links are created, we have to migrate your dataold remote issue links to the new ActiveObjects tables.
We have configured a job that will run migrating each remote issue link (Old Way) to our own issue link (new way)The job is scheduled and runs each X mins. Also whenever you open the RequirementYogiLink Dialog, it will migrate the concerned issueevery minute for 50 secs to migrate the remote issue links.
The upgrade job should work smoothly, but in case you are having any problems you can trigger the upgrade manually in the administration panel.
RY Custom Field:
You can add our custom field to your issue's screens to easily create links.
Once created you will need then to configure the custom field in order to assign a relationship value.
You can then create links searching for requirements in confluence.
Note that for custom fields the plugin will fail to get the requirements description if you re running an old version of RequirementYogi (Confluence), so make sure to upgrade RequirementYogi to the latest version
JQL Function:
We have now a JQL Function named requirementYogiLinks to search for issues that are linked to RY requirements.
Usage: issue in requirementYogiLinks('applink_id', 'relationship', 'space_key', 'key#baseline_number')
Examples :
- issues linked to requirement REQ-001 → requirementYogiLinks('REQ-001')
- issues linked to requirement REQ-001 and baseline 1 with the relationship resolves → requirementYogiLinks('resolves', '*', 'REQ-001#1')
So you get the idea any argument can be replaced with '*' if it's not relevant.