
How to use? Where to find?

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On the Search page, you can search the requirements that belong to a variant.

By default, the current variant of the space is used.

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On the Traceability matrix page, you can display the requirements that belong to a variant.

By default, the current variant of the space is used.

From the suggestion menu, you can add a column Variant.

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When clicking on a requirement, the details are displayed.

The associated variant is displayed as a dropdown list.

You have the possibility to switch between the variants where the requirement exists.

Note: when selecting another variant, it does not affect it to the requirement.

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In Jira, the variant associated to the requirement is displayed between the parenthesis.

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On the Modification matrix page, you can follow the evolution of a requirement between 2 or more variants.

See Modification matrix for more information.

On a Confluence page where you created your requirement, click on RequirementYogi icon in the byline section.

Then you can reindex the page using another variant, listed in the dropdown list.
