How to start

How to start


Become a Requirement Yogi pro in less than 30 minutes with our video tutorials: Data Center - Tutorial and tips to use Requirement Yogi . Please feel free to comment and ask us questions on what content you would like to see next!

This series is for Data Center, if you are on the Cloud, this is for you: Getting Started - Tutorials . If you do now know on which hosting you are, find more information here: https://community.atlassian.com/t5/Confluence-articles/How-do-you-know-if-you-are-on-Confluence-Cloud-or-Server-Data/ba-p/1917899#:~:text=%F0%9F%92%BB%20Look%20at%20the%20URL,are%20on%20Server%2FData%20Center.

Each tutorial is in order to make you learn Requirement Yogi from the basics to lesser known features that could improve your work.

1 - Inserting requirements





2 - Properties and Dependencies

3 - Search Syntax

4 - Traceability Matrix (RTM)

5 - External Properties

6 - Jira links and Jira Bulk Issue Creation

7 - Baselines and versioning

8 - Importing word requirements

9 - Excel Loop: Export and Reimport requirement’s external properties

10 - Excel Import: Import new requirements from Excel files

11 - Tips & Tricks - Administrate Requirement Yogi