May 2022

May 2022

May 30th 2022

  • (Jira) Remove the "Deprecated" label on the custom field, rename it "Info" and point to the changelogs. We'll keep working on this custom field, our intent is to make it non-editable, but making it possible to perform JQL searches on it.

May 27th 2022


  • When viewing a Confluence page, a new indicator (in the byline section) displays page's indexation status and a shortcut to display the transformation wizard

May 23rd 2022

  • (Jira) The icons at the top of the Jira Issue Glance were changed,

  • (Jira) Bugfix: When a customer didn't have a custom field, they couldn't edit the Issue Glance,

  • (Confluence) The icons at the top-right of the single-requirement view, were changed (view & edit icons, and moved upwards),

May 20th 2022


  • (Jira) The requirement links now also take the space into account when adding a requirement.

  • (Jira) Major We've deprecated the "Custom Field" and implemented a text input similar to the way the custom field behaved, but not limited to 255 characters which will allow users to have more requirements linked to an issue (Notably when the requirement keys are long).


  • (Jira) We've deprecated the Requirement Yogi custom field as it is no longer necessary.

May 5th 2022


  • Fixed an issue preventing users to see the dependencies in the traceability matrix when going over 200 dependencies. Users can now see dependencies as long as there is less than 100 dependency per requirement.

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