October 2023

October 2023

Two brand new features added to Requirement Yogi 🎉

Perform calculations in your Traceability Matrix

This new feature will allow you to add information to your reports with calculations on your requirement’s data. Calculate the percentage of completion of your project, a sum of estimates, and much more.

→ Watch the quick tutorial to learn the basics:

→ And take things into your own hands with the full documentation:

Manage requirements in paragraphs with the Linear Documents

Most requirements are not written in tables, but in paragraphs. The new document configuration will help you comply with public standards, and reuse requirements from your clients.

→ Learn the basics with our video tutorial:

→ Get deeper information with the full documentation:

📢 Share your feedback

These two new features still have room for improvements, please share your feedback and insights with our team: https://support.requirementyogi.com/

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