December 2024

December 2024

NEW Requirement types

We are pleased to announce that we are releasing requirement types!

Screenshot from 2024-12-02 15-55-55.png

With requirement types, you can now define and enforce the structure of your requirements in a declarative way.

This feature allows you to:

  • Organize requirements: Organize your requirements into meaningful categories.

  • Structure requirements: Define the key pattern, properties, and external properties for each requirement type, ensuring every requirement meets your project's standards.

  • Ensure compliance: Quickly identify requirements that don’t comply with your specifications, making it simple to address issues.

  • Streamline requirement creation: Quickly create requirements using generated page templates tailored to each requirement type, making it simple to create requirements that meet your project’s standards from the start.

The feature is in BETA , so please feel free to share your feedback to improve it!

For more information, please refer to the documentation.

IMPROVEMENT Jira issue filtering in the Traceability Matrix

If you are using multiple relationships to link your requirements to Jira issues, you can now apply a filter in the Traceability matrix and choose to display:

  • All Jira relationships

  • Each Jira issues in different columns, by relationships, by type, by project name, by project key.

Requirement Yogi Traceability - Filter Jira issues.png


⚠️ This may affect your saved matrices already displaying the Jira issues column. To see your Jira issues again, remove the empty Jira column, and add it again.

Improvement Customization of the RY link macro + display properties

We have made some modifications to the RY link macro dialog.

  • Filters: To link requirements from another space or variant, click on the Filters button.

  • The search: You can look for the exact key, or text present in the description of the requirement.

  • Expand properties: You can now see more details from the requirement, and expand its properties.

  • Toggle Options:

    • Lock the link’s space to make sure that if you copy the page or the macro somewhere else, it will always link to the specified space.

    • Lock the link’s variant to make sure that if you copy the page or the macro somewhere else, it will always link to the specified variant.

    • Choose to display 1 or more properties of the linked requirement inside the requirement link macro. You can also choose to hide the requirement key and link to only display a property of the requirement.

Improvement Introducing variables in the Traceability Matrix / RY Report macro.

If you want to build a template matrix, then use it in a confluence page with the RY report macro, you can apply variables in the query to be able to customize this Matrix template.

Please see more information here: Report macro: Insert a traceability matrix into a page | Use template variables

📢 Share your feedback

We still have room for improvements, please share your feedback and insights with our team: https://support.requirementyogi.com/

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