Edge-cases with space deletion and reindexing

Romain BarloAugust 12, 2024 at 2:52 PM
sizing time- 1 day to improve the second-try in the reindexing,
- Space deletion 2Days:
1. Delete all requirements,
2. Send messages to Jira = 2 days,
Adrien RagotAugust 9, 2024 at 12:23 PMEdited
Let’s wait 2 minutes instead of 1 minute,
Let’s try to reload the failed page once, in case it works better, if you succeed to modify this part of the algorithm (search for
Didn't load for 1 minute
in the code) — Don’t spend more than 1 day on this,Investigate why we don’t receive a
when a space is imported (see PageEvents.java) → This is important. If impossible, find a way to be notified when a space is reimported and should be reindexed.Implement a SpaceRemovedEvent in PageEvents.java, to catch the deletion of the space and mark all ACTIVE requirements as DELETED (proceed by batch of ~1000, do not load all of them in memory at once). Do not mark the baselined (“ARCHIVED”) requirements as deleted, they may need their archives


When a space is deleted, mark all requirements as deleted, and signal it to Jira too,
During a reindexation, leave 2 minutes for pages to load, and retry them once,
During a reindexation, do not display a warning for pages which are deleted.
Example of issue
I was on indexing engine 1 (version 3.6.) I have multiple space with requirements in them
I exported Space called BUGTEST in XML
I then changed my indexing engine to 2
I went an already existing Space (called Team) and performed a full reindex of the space: I received these errors
Then I re imported my Space BUGTEST, and performed a full reindex. 10 out of 14 pages had an error, they either did not have requirements in them, or only requirement links.
NOTE that there is an error but the requirements are correctly indexed: