Release date
Jan 06, 2025
Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Created September 29, 2024 at 8:18 AM
Updated January 6, 2025 at 2:41 PM
Resolved January 4, 2025 at 1:25 PM
No upgrade path from 2.x to 4.x.
3.0.0 was published in October 2021,
4.0.0 is to be published in December 2024,
From 2.6.16, customer must first install a recent 3.11.x version, before moving to 4.x.
They must check the upgrade tasks were successfully executed in 2.x.
That means we’ll remove:
The old AO tables,
All related upgrade tasks,
The entire 3.0.0 migration system, which disables/enables parts of the plugin at startup,
In Jira, the old native remote-issue-links kertuffle whose API was so slow that the plugin was faster implementing it separately.
No RIL migration in Jira
In 2.x, we’ve implemented the Jira links as native RIL. It was unbearably slow, and we quickly moved away, to a custom implementation which did wonders for years.
We’ve kept the migration from the old data up to now.
There will be no migration from RILs (Same as above, the migration is 2.6.16 → 3.x → 4.x).
No Public Descriptions
This feature was deprecated and the default was enforced for everyone in (August 2023)
This feature is removed in 4.0.
Indexing v2 is the (mandatory) default in 4.0
Upon upgrading, Requirement Yogi will move to Indexing V2.
The differences are explained there:
Customers can still downgrade to Indexing V1, but please contact us and explain why your company can’t adopt the Indexing V2. It’s faster, more accurate, testable, and it’s 5k lines of old Javascript code that we could remove.