Requirements Yogi: Quotation mark is displayed as html character code in RQ preview.
Adrien RagotNovember 19, 2021 at 4:24 PM
Hi Alexander,
Thank you for signalling this, I have created for the Cloud version (we separate the bugtrackers for Server and Cloud).
Best regards,
Adrien Ragot

Alexander LuchkovNovember 19, 2021 at 12:24 PM
Hello, RY Team!
Seems like issue repeats in cloud version. In searches and while viewing individual requirements.

Alexander LuchkovJanuary 13, 2020 at 11:48 AM
Issue fixed. Thanks a lot!
Adrien RagotJanuary 13, 2020 at 8:58 AM
Hi Alexander,
This too has been delivered in the least release, 2.4.2. Tell me how it goes!
Best regards,

Alexander LuchkovJanuary 9, 2020 at 1:26 PM
Misspelled some strings:
Actual Result 1|2
Quick preview is displayed containing requirement property named Property "Name"
Reproduce scenario 1
Create a confluence page and place a table with columns defined as ID, Requirement, "Property" on it.
Add a row to table and create a requirement as shown in example
Save the page
Hover mouse pointer over RQ ID and wait until requirement preview is displayed.
Expected Result 1
Quick preview is displayed containing requirement property named Property "Name"
Actual Result 1
Quick preview is displayed containing requirement property named "Property "Name""
Reproduce scenario 2
Repeat steps 1-2
Add a requirement link to a page pointed on RQ-001
Save the page
Hover mouse pointer over RQ Link and wait until requirement preview is displayed.
Expected Result 2
Quick preview is displayed containing requirement property named Property "Name"
Actual Result 2
Quick preview is displayed containing requirement property named "Property "Name""
Example data:
RQ Definition
Property "Name"
System A shall do thing
Property Value
Impacts requirement search by property.
Prohibits usage of some terms and abbreviations.
Adds complexity to requirements model definition process by placing constraints on attribute naming.