Error of bad API version inside bulk issue creation

Fix versions



We are currently (24.02.2020) using the up to date releases of RYogi for Confluence (2.4.5) and for Jira (2.4.3).

Inside the screen "Jira Issues Bulk Creation" we get the error message "No Jira instance is available. API v5 is required (RY 2.3.2 or above)" - see screenshot attached.

Is the API error caused by Confluence and Jira or is ist a problem inside RYogi?





Christian DähnFebruary 25, 2020 at 3:32 PM

Hello Adrien,

thanks for your very fast response - we configured the API following your steps and it works now!

We have multiple Confluence + Jira servers, so this manual task was a show stopper for our admins - because we have 20 addons per server, which makes it nearly impossible to check each release note for each addon.

I’ll inform the admins, so the other servers will be configured like described above, too.

Thanks again for your fast help Adrien and best regards,

Adrien RagotFebruary 24, 2020 at 2:38 PM

Hi Christian,

The APIv5 is only required for the bulk issue creation. Since you have this version on both sides, you can set it to automatically update the API:

  • Go to Jira,

  • Go to the Requirement Yogi administration (in the administration of Jira -> section Applications),

  • Click on the tab "Confluence",

  • You will see a drop-down for the application version. Choose the maximum number (v5 or v6).

  • If you want to upgrade automatically as you install new versions on each side, set the API version to AUTO. But do it after setting it to the desired number.

Best regards,







Simple configuration issue


Confluence runs at version 6.15.10 and Jira at version 8.6.1 on the same machine using RHEL 7 Linux and Maria DB.

Affects versions

Requirement Yogi

Created February 24, 2020 at 12:58 PM
Updated March 6, 2020 at 2:45 PM
Resolved February 25, 2020 at 3:32 PM