External properties

Fix versions




  • From the search and the diff, make it possible to add a property to requirements,

  • They would be "externally managed" as in, those properties are not on the requirement page,

  • That would allow two important features:

    • Grouping / selecting a bag of requirements,

    • Adding status info about requirements: Not implemented, implemented, tested, etc.


  • Would some properties be private to a user? Should we rather implement "bags" of requirements, which can be set to private?

  • How will we delete properties? What if someone tags requirements, then doesn't care and leaves, will it make requirements burdened with extraneous properties?

Stories / use-cases:

  • Calculated values

  • Validation workflow

  • Price / estimate

  • Tag / Group requirements together → We’ll do it with another DB table

  • Add a property which is only visible by “my” or “my team” (let’s decide later, whether we implement them in tags only).


100% Done



Comm ITApril 13, 2021 at 7:29 AM

Around 750 on one page… It’s a beast for Chrome, works slightly better for Firefox

Adrien RagotApril 13, 2021 at 7:09 AM

Hi Kaj,

Happy to see you are still watching! Yes, your description is what I meant with “Group”. We’ve hired so we have a little more bandwidth, but we still have a backlog to go through.

You don’t have a single page with 1000 requirements, do you? If so, it should really be spread out on several pages, I’d recommend 200 per page.

Best regards,

Adrien Ragot

Comm ITApril 13, 2021 at 6:53 AM

For us I think the most value would be to use a TAGGed requirement to get a subset of the complete requirement list and beeing able to filter on that TAG so instead of having a page of 1000 requirements and editing the whole list (which confluence doesnt like that much) we can select a tag which has 150 requrirements and work on those (edit table, add properties to the tagged requirements).


Basically the same as RY report but for the complete requirement table - not just the report.




Epic Name

Requirement Yogi

Created May 26, 2020 at 9:37 AM
Updated January 18, 2023 at 9:06 AM