Status page for customer to help support and transparency

Release date



What the customer wants:




Quote from the customer

I was suggesting something simple like from another Confluence macro vendor we use. You don’t even need the “uptime” measure at first, just a Red/Green light to expose significant, customer-impacting transient issues and the history of the incidents. I’m curious why the perceived effort to maintain something like this (unless you have a lot of outages) is high?

This would be a big show of transparency and respect for your customers. It also reduces the impact of these issues on us. Without visibility to know issues, you are creating work for your customers to try to recognize, diagnose (is it us, Confluence, RY?) and communicate internally about problems. Then we have to log a RY support issue (possibly multiple across our company), only to hear “we know, working on it”. Much of that could be avoided.

At the moment, internally we have a perhaps unfair perception that based on the history of these sort of “outages”, there is a lack of regression testing of new releases/features from RY and that makes us nervous. We know this is complex and expensive and we are not great at it ourselves, but in any case we find it necessary to at least provide for customers too.








Requirement Yogi

Created September 25, 2024 at 1:15 PM
Updated March 5, 2025 at 7:56 AM