Column UI - Unable to retrieve correct datatype from db
Requirement Yogi
Adrien Ragot (Old account)July 3, 2017 at 1:20 PM
I am very, very sorry that I didn't notice this report. Is it still time to solve it?
Is it PostgreSQL that you are using? Are other columns recognized as integer or varchars? It would seem very weird if this column was considered differently from the others.
Thank you,

motiljNovember 24, 2015 at 10:23 PMEdited
Table defintion
dev-wiki-playsql=> \d space_db.product_case
Table "space_db.product_case"
Column | Type | Modifiers
ID | integer | not null default nextval('space_db."product_case_ID_seq"'::regclass)
POSITION | text |
product_id | bigint |
exit_id | bigint |
total_units | integer |
npv | integer |
irr | integer |
msrp | integer |
cogs | integer |
channel_margin_us | double precision |
gross_margin | double precision |
product_name | text |
exit_name | text |
gross_revenue | integer |
net_revenue | integer |
breakeven_qty | integer |
headcount | text |
MSRP is defined as integer in the table, but play-sql UI shows as VARCHAR
The UI is unable to retrieve the correct datatype when displaying on the screen.
In the attached screenshot, the datatype is set to INTEGER and Renderer is Currency. However, the UI always shows VARCHAR and Text