- Upgrade libraries, Confluence 7.20 / 8.x and Java 11PLAYSQL-302Adrien Ragot
- Compatibility with Confluence 7.15PLAYSQL-301Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-301Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Forms failed to enablePLAYSQL-300
- PSEA 1.5.5 not compatible with Confluence 7.8.0PLAYSQL-299Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-299Adrien Ragot
- Announce/enforce the end-of-life of Play SQL Spreadsheets in the UI (cancelled)PLAYSQL-298Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-298
- PlaySQL Datepicker doesn't work in SpreadsheetsPLAYSQL-296Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-296
- Dynamic Parameter fails when Output=POOR or Output=PRINTPLAYSQL-295Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-295
- Forms: Can't use # for an ID > 50PLAYSQL-294Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-294
- Is it possible to search in Play SQL query macroPLAYSQL-293Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-293
- Dynamic parameterPLAYSQL-292Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-292
- Avoid failure when a column can't be deletedPLAYSQL-291Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-291Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Forms cannot be activatedPLAYSQL-290Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-290Adrien Ragot
- Jira Link not workingPLAYSQL-289Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-289Adrien Ragot
- Issue on confluence with enabling spreadsheets and forms after upgradesPLAYSQL-288Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-288Adrien Ragot (Old account)
- Impossible to filter and export on foreign key columnsPLAYSQL-286Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-286Adrien Ragot (Old account)
- Unable to save settingsPLAYSQL-284Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-284Adrien Ragot
- AJS CompatibilityPLAYSQL-283Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-283Adrien Ragot
- Fix javascript error when opening the list of formulasPLAYSQL-282Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-282Adrien Ragot
- Formulas chashes the page when use formulas on Confluence 6.15.7PLAYSQL-281Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-281Adrien Ragot
- Add notifications or alertsPLAYSQL-280Adrien Ragot
- Spreadsheet compatibility with Confluence 7.0PLAYSQL-279Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-279Adrien Ragot
- Data in spreadsheet not getting saved/displayedPLAYSQL-278Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-278Adrien Ragot
- Unable to add a new columnPLAYSQL-277Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-277Adrien Ragot
- Add an option to show full spreadsheet by default (will be 200 records by default)PLAYSQL-276Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-276Adrien Ragot
- Not able to update and save playsql spreadsheetPLAYSQL-274Adrien Ragot
- Not able to link Requirements to JiraPLAYSQL-273Adrien Ragot
- Cannot Export All - Error for deleted tablePLAYSQL-272Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-272Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Export Format - Can the format be fixedPLAYSQL-271Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-271Adrien Ragot
- XSS vector on PCloud and ServerPLAYSQL-270Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-270Adrien Ragot
- Export Table / View Describes (Like SQL Describe)PLAYSQL-269Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Bug - Gives Null Pointer Exception on an ExportPLAYSQL-268Adrien Ragot
- Security: arbitrary users able to edit table queriesPLAYSQL-267Adrien Ragot
- Add-on comaptibilty with Confluence data center latest version 6.15.1PLAYSQL-266Adrien Ragot
- Remove feedback jobPLAYSQL-265Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-265Adrien Ragot
- Question how to enable names in x axis for all bars.PLAYSQL-263Adrien Ragot
- Can I set the session state before running the actual query?PLAYSQL-262Adrien Ragot
- Play SQL Apps - Data Centre CompatibilityPLAYSQL-261Adrien Ragot
- Why viewing Chart requires logging in?PLAYSQL-260Adrien Ragot
- $errorText when spawning query editorPLAYSQL-259Adrien Ragot
- Incorrect JIRA Relations in Traceability MatrixPLAYSQL-258Adrien Ragot
- Error when pasting Excel tablesPLAYSQL-257Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-257Adrien Ragot
- Could not display PlaySQL: errorPLAYSQL-256Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-256Adrien Ragot
- Display a descriptive error message when there is an SQL syntax errorPLAYSQL-255Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-255Adrien Ragot
- Bug at installationPLAYSQL-254Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-254Adrien Ragot
- Get rid of the "See also" pages list in the "hover-on" requirement cardPLAYSQL-253Adrien Ragot
- Image rendererPLAYSQL-252Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-252Adrien Ragot
- When I paste a table, it should become a macro, not a confluence tablePLAYSQL-251Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-251Adrien Ragot
- Date/time, default values and accessPLAYSQL-249Adrien Ragot
- Ensure the administrator sets up the database as read-writePLAYSQL-247Resolved issue: PLAYSQL-247Adrien Ragot
- Can't set a date to NULLPLAYSQL-246Adrien Ragot
50 of 279
Upgrade libraries, Confluence 7.20 / 8.x and Java 11
Created October 24, 2022 at 9:55 AM
Updated November 1, 2022 at 12:00 PM
In this ticket:
We’ll upgrade as many libraries as possible,
We’ll try to make it compatible with Java 11,
We’ll ensure compatibility with Confluence 7.20,
We’ll prepare compatibility (as known at this time) with Confluence 8.0 EAP.