Could not display PlaySQL: error
- 05 Sep 2018, 11:40 AM
- 05 Sep 2018, 11:40 AM
- 04 Sep 2018, 01:06 PM
- 04 Sep 2018, 10:26 AM
Adrien Ragot (Old account)September 12, 2018 at 3:44 PM
Can you go to the Play SQL administration screen -> Database -> Advanced configuration -> and check that the dialect is "Oracle" ? It may have been reset to "Postgres" by mistake.
Based on your answer, I'll know where to check for the bug.
Thank you,
TechSSeptember 5, 2018 at 11:40 AMEdited
Hi Adrien,
I upgraded from version 2.10.9 to 3.0.2
I tested the new version you provided. And lets say i will change all "old" inline queries to the new version query mode...
I am having an issue on creating queries and I think it is an error on plugin too. After check the database connection, I have created a query equal to the test query and it doesn't work.
It is an Oracle database in other machine different from confluence server.
Attached the images.
Can you check what is wrong ?
Best regards,
Adrien Ragot (Old account)September 4, 2018 at 1:08 PM
I've looked at the error message you've sent, and fixed it. You still need to move your data from this deprecated macro to the newer macro, but at least your pages will display in the meantime.
To install this new revision, please download
and upload it in your version of Confluence.
Or you can wait until I have accumulated a few more bugfixes and I'll publish it publicly in a few weeks.
Best regards,
Adrien Ragot (Old account)September 4, 2018 at 11:30 AM
Hav you upgraded from a very old version to 3.x directly ?
Your screenshot seems to display a very old version of the editor; at the time it was possible to edit the macros inline, wasn't it ? If so, this feature is not there anymore.
If you were using an old version:
The normal method is to transfer those SQL queries into saved queries (click "Tables" in the sidebar), then display the saved queries on the Confluence page using the "Play SQL Query" macro.
You could attempt to downgrade back to the older version of Play SQL,
You could also choose another free addon, such as PocketQuery (quite popular) or Bob Swift's SQL macro.
While you give me feedback on those first questions, I'll check the details of the error message you've sent me, in case it were possible to fix errors immediately.
Best regards,
Good Morning,
We have updated our confluence server to version 6.10 and the playSQL add-on to latest version 3.0.2
Now, all pages that had SQL queries are not showing the data and showing the error "Could not display PlaySQL: error" (
On the atlassian logs side, its shown:
2018-09-03 17:50:02,330 ERROR [http-nio-8090-exec-3] [common.error.jersey.ThrowableExceptionMapper] toResponse Uncaught exception thrown by REST service: Can not instantiate value of type [collection type; class java.util.ArrayList, contains [simple type, class com.playsql.core.model.UserParameter]] from JSON String; no single-String constructor/factory method (through reference chain:["user-parameters"])
– referer: | url: /rest/playsql/1.0/playsql/html | traceId: 3189f571cef3c38e | userName: admin Can not instantiate value of type [collection type; class java.util.ArrayList, contains [simple type, class com.playsql.core.model.UserParameter]] from JSON String; no single-String constructor/factory method (through reference chain:["user-parameters"])
Here is the storage code of the page:
<h2>Stable Builds</h2>
<p><br /></p><ac:structured-macro ac:name="playsql" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="7344b994-1361-47cb-bfac-01695ad5e15f"><acarameter ac:name="context">space:</acarameter><aclain-text-body><![CDATA[SELECT
/*+ PARALLEL(4) */
ORDER BY START_DATE DESC]]></aclain-text-body></ac:structured-macro>
<p><br /></p>
<p>Simple select 1 from dual:</p><ac:structured-macro ac:name="playsql" ac:schema-version="1" ac:macro-id="0cd2be68-d195-4476-92cc-bce018a1fdaf"><acarameter ac:name="context">space:</acarameter><aclain-text-body><![CDATA[SELECT 1 from dual
<p><br /><br /></p>
Can you check why the pages stops displaying correctly the data ?
best regards,