Dynamic parameter
- 09 Jun 2020, 07:05 AM
Nick McEwenJune 9, 2020 at 6:44 AMEdited
Confirmed working in latest release
e.g. report?user-parameter-team=tt1002&user-parameter-todate=2020-12-31
Note: this will work ONLY if the RICH display form is used and the option to display a form is selected
Many thanks for your help Adrien
Adrien RagotJune 3, 2020 at 3:18 PM
Hi Satya and Nick,
I have just published https://playsql.atlassian.net/browse/PLAYSQL-292#icft=PLAYSQL-292 (version Play SQL Base 3.1.10) which allows you to use ?user-parameter-param1=... to set the value of $param1.
Best regards,
Adrien RagotJune 3, 2020 at 2:19 PM
Hi Satya,
You're right, it didn't take the URL parameter. When I publish the version where I'll fix this, the user parameters will be read as follows:
The default value defined in the query editor,
The value defined at the level of the macro (it is possible to override it),
The value defined in the URL, ...&user-parameter-param1=...
The value defined by the user on the page.
I'll tell you when I publish this fix. There is nothing else you can try for the moment.
Best regards,
Nick McEwenJune 2, 2020 at 9:07 AM
… can you suggest any other things that I might try Adrien?
Satya IntetiMay 29, 2020 at 1:45 PM
Hello Adrien,
Is there any suggestion or help on my last query? thank you
Hello Support,
I have a PLAY SQL query page that is working well. It accepts a parameter which is entered through a PLAY SQL form that is displayed in-line.
I would like to pass a parameter to the page from the URL e.g.
is this possible?