Formula needs to be escaped
Some users had a problem when submitting formulas. The formula wasn't saved or an error message would appear.
If you enter
\= where test1.\"ID\" \= test1name
the formular works as expected
(select from test1 where test1.\"ID\" \= test1name)
If you look at the formular after saving, the \ are removed - but
if you modify the formular, you have to escape " and = again.
Requirement Yogi
The escaping problem doesn't appear in all environments, so we need to investigate the following conditions:
Is "Plugin Safe Mode" enabled?
Is another plugin overriding jQuery's $ operator? Is seems like $label.val() returns a wrong value, because there the message "If you intend to change the label, please use &CHLBL" which shouldn't happen here.
Is the encoding UTF-8? Between the browser and the server? What about the database encoding (SHOW CLIENT_ENCODING; SHOW SERVER_ENCODING; ) ?
Does it come from an unexpected user operation, such as triple-clicking to open the dialog or similar situations? It could alter the way jQuery finds the element. Ask the user to execute the following js before validating: $(".contents .column-name").length + ' ' + $(".contents .column-name").val() + '\n' + $(".contents .column-formula").length + ' ' + $(".contents .column-formula").val()
Any comment is welcome. We couldn't reproduce.