The Excel loop (Server version)
Fix versions
Adrien Ragot
Adrien RagotReporter
Adrien Ragot
Adrien RagotSprint
Release date
Sep 13, 2023
Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Created April 21, 2022 at 7:56 AM
Updated September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM
Resolved September 13, 2023 at 2:36 PM
On the Cloud:
Published This was published in verion 3.6.0
Below, you will find may details about the different approaches we had for this ticket.
There are now irrelevant, and only kept for the legacy.
For more information (screenshots, etc) about the Excel loop, please see:
History of the text of this issue
Problem statement
Customers say they “want the Excel import” but they wouldn’t know what they specifically need. It’s not like we can accept text and update all pages with requirements accordingly.
Biggest usecase: Export an estimate matrix, with a few other “fixed” fields, to Excel, send it to the customer, and reimport the external properties.
A new tab named “Excel import”,
It displays a list of “import configs”, or create new,
For any of them, you can upload an Excel file*:
For each sheet of the Excel file,
For each column,
The user can associate a mapping:
Either “key” of the requirement (not space key, we’ll just import for the current space),
Or the external property,
Allow the user to choose what happens if the external property value already exists → Override, or abort import, maybe?
Allow the user to choose what happens if the type of the value doesn’t match the external property → Write as text, or abort import?
Allow the user to choose what happens if the value is empty → Remove the ext.prop of the requirement, or leave the value as-is?
Click Import**,
While it imports, ask the user whether they want to save as a new import config, since they’ll reuse it. It saves all mappings.
In the estimate matrix, the “Excel” button becomes a drop-down menu: “Export”, “Import”. If Import is clicked, it opens an import config with the mappings preconfigured.
** Obviously, it creates a background task, with lots of 5s transactions, ability to cancel and see the progress in the UI.
Old refined idea
After thinking about it, it’s only a matter of importing the external properties. Because people won’t import the inline requirement data, that would require modifying the ADF/XML of pages. So:
Make it possible to import external properties. Just the key of the requirement should be enough in the Excel spreadsheet, provided the space key and client key are dealt with in the UI,
If you notice, it’s
We should have a nice UI: “Export to Excel → Customer modifies it → Import external properties”.
Original description
As a user... I should be able to send requirements to customers, ask him to validate and comment, and reimport this awesome Excel file into Confluence.
Don't forget to add a big ad, in the Excel file, so customers are told about the product.
Export an estimate to Excel, which would be a big traceability matrix + editable field "Validated" + editable field "Comments".
Non-editable fields are grayed out,
There should be a reupload button, which would read the file, match requirement keys, property names, and apply the changes if the two match.