[estimate] Create list estimate page


Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Requirement Yogi
Linked requirements
Created June 7, 2021 at 2:54 PM
Updated December 21, 2021 at 11:48 AM
Resolved October 11, 2021 at 2:06 PM
In the RY page, next to Traceability tab, add an Estimate Tab.
Like the traceability matrixes, it will have 3 sublists + a button "Create new":
Shared by you
Shared by others
The list shows, for each line:
a name → Yes (a label/title)
an edit button → Yes - which displays a dialog to edit the label and permissions (ie if a user wants to edit the matrix, they should click on the label).
a remove button → Yes
a preview of the estimated contained in a row ? → No
a reorder handle → No (not yet)
List is empty if nothing had been created (thank you cap'tain obvious) → No, see “welcome experience” below
as traceability matrix, the config is stored in database (to be defined what is stored)
Be careful to who has the permission to see/create/edit/remove those information
→ It is effectively exactly the same screen as the traceability matrixes, certainly we should only reuse the .vm.
Empty list (the welcome experience)
If “Private” is empty, we will:
Use the “.blank-experience-container”
Saying “You haven’t created any estimate yet.” with a button “Create one!”
If the other lists are empty, we just don’t display them.