[estimate] Create edit estimage page

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Based on Traceability page (light-weighted) → I strongly suggest using factorized code.
it includes a search field to search the requirements, Save button, 3 dots, (Get data from Jira?) → Yes, including Get from Jira.

Each requirement has 2 additional fields:

  • Estimate (avg)

  • Estimate (max)

  • (min) ?? → No, keep just 2 columns and make it easy to create more.
    Those fields are created by default (when accessing this page ? when creating the requirement ?)

The user can add same fields as in the traceability page (properties, dependencies, ...)

  • the user cannot move the estimate columns as he wants, the page should be coherent (those new fields should be next to the Requirements fields), even if the Parents are displayed. → Unclear explanation → let’s see what proposals can be made, with a demo.

  • The estimate fields are editable (input box, float (not int)) (and beware that 0 != null)

  • The estimate fields are linked to DBPropertyName, where the data type is FLOAT (not INT)

  • The page can be saved and can be reloaded, and give the same displayed as previously.


  • To be defined if the Estimate fields of dependent Requirements are also editable

  • Those fields are created by default (when accessing this page ? when creating the requirement ?) → When clicking on “Create new” in the Estimates List page.

  • Be careful to who has the permission to see/create/edit/remove those information → Ah, yes, true, only editors of the space can display the traceability matrix in edit mode. The others must be redirected to the matrix in view mode.

  • Will we, one day, display “€” or “ days” after the number? Will we display placeholder text? All of this configuratble in the DBPropertyName. We’re creating a literal spreadsheets tool!








Requirement Yogi

Created June 7, 2021 at 3:04 PM
Updated December 21, 2021 at 11:48 AM